‘China’s rise in a world in flux – how can we make ‘cooperative globalisation work for the benefit of all?

Sydney Roundtable discussion with Pascal Lamy and other distinguished guests, 3 August 2017

‘Belt and Road’ and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank are but two of the expressions of China’s rise and global engagement. As China rises and goes global, the world responds, unevenly. Globalisation is under pressure in the West, with the hollowing out of the middle class, volatile societies and political and business consequences. These varying forces are taking place against a backdrop of less than ideal global economic governance and related cooperation. What positive and concerted actions might be considered, under the Global Foundation push for ‘cooperative globalisation’

Mr Pascal Lamy,
Guest of Honour

Professor Pan Jiaofeng,
President, Institutes for Scientific Development, China Academy of Sciences, Special Guest

Mr Berkeley Cox,
Chief Executive Partner, Australia, King + Wood Mallesons, Host

These major, complex themes were addressed by 40 participants from business, academia, government and civil society, in a 3-hour roundtable discussion co-hosted by the Global Foundation and Key Partner law firm, King + Wood Mallesons, in Sydney on 3 August.

Guest of honour and lead speaker was distinguished global policy-maker, Mr Pascal Lamy, who was joined by other key guests, including Professor Pan Jiaofeng, President of one of China’s most prestigious think thanks, along with other contributors from China and Australia. The recently appointed Chief Executive Partner, Australia, KWM, Mr Berkeley Cox, hosted the roundtable at the firm’s headquarters.

In a Chatham House setting, participants engaged in a frank and open discussion about the complexities and implications for these major short- and longer-term shifts in the international order.

The Global Foundation launched a virtual global task force to address China’s Belt and Road strategy, building upon the past 20 years of its work with China as it goes global, most notably with the formation of the AIIB, which is now recognised as a model institution for good international governance.

The Foundation presented a schematic of China’s global emergence and a number of other background documents and links to inform the meeting and also to assist the continuing regional and global discussions that the Foundation will either co-convene or address, in Asia and Europe over the coming months.

In all cases, the Global Foundation seeks to contribute to mutual understanding and deeper cooperation between all parties on these issues.

A full report from the meeting will be posted shortly.

Links and references:

  • Sydney Roundtable Background paper here
  • Attendees here
  • Biographies here
  • SRCIC submission, August 2017 here
  • Schematic of China’s global emergence here
  • ‘Everything under Heaven’ – report from Belt and Road Summit, May 2017 here
  • ‘Chinese Communist Party embraces economic globalisation’, October 2016 here
  • China’s official Belt and Road portal here
  • Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) portal here
  • AIIB President Jin Liqun hosted in Sydney, April 2017 here
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