For the fifth consecutive year, the Global Foundation convened its ‘State of the World’ Roundtable, bringing together a carefully selected group of distinguished global citizens to discuss some of the world’s most substantial issues and help shape pathways towards ‘cooperative globalisation’ that is transformative, fair, inclusive and prosperous. 

The focus of the roundtable discussions will be progress with and prospects for, the Foundation’s Global Project initiative, ‘Shaping Global Governance, Climate and Nature,’ led by Dr Mark Cutifani CBE and Ms Sharan Burrow AC.  

As in previous years, ‘State of the World’ will be held in two sessions to maximise participation across different time zones. Part One was held online on Thursday 30 January, featuring an outstanding group of speakers from global business, institutions and civil society.  

Part One’s included speakers from the Foundation’s leadership team:

The Foundation’s leadership team was joined by a selection of global experts:

Hosted by Foundation Partner, Mr Jeff Dimery, CEO of Alinta Energy, Part Two of the ‘State of the World’ Roundtable will be conducted in a hybrid format from Melbourne, on 19 February. Distinguished guest, His Excellency Xiao Qian, Ambassador of China to Australia has confirmed his intention to speak, reflecting our joint efforts to promote co-operation between China and Australia on the green transition. 

In addition to Mr Jeff Dimery and HE Xiao Qian, Part Two will feature speakers and participants from leading institutions including: 

  • Mr Pascal Lamy, Former Director General of the World Trade Organisation, Coordinator of the Jacques Delors Think Tanks Network
  • Dr Mabel Miao, Secretary General, the Center for China and Globalization  
  • Tan Sri Dr Michael Yeoh, President, KSI Strategic Institute for Asia Pacific 
  • Mr Tom Tayler, Head of Climate Finance, Aviva Investors
  • Dr Dino Djalal, Founder, Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia and Former Deputy Foreign Minister, Republic of Indonesia

Further speakers to be announced shortly.

A report of the meeting, held this year at a pivotal moment in the history of the global energy transition, will be made available in the coming weeks. 

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