‘State of the World’ Roundtable, 2023

For the third successive year, the Global Foundation convened a roundtable discussion on Monday, 20 February 2023, enabling our members and supporters to hear from authoritative voices and make their own contributions to the ‘State of the World’. Speakers included;

  • Dr Philip Lowe | Governor, Reserve Bank Australia
  • Mr Amitabh Kant | G20 Sherpa, India
  • Ms Sharan Burrow AC | Global Advocate for Rights and Sustainability, Global Unions
  • Mr Pascal Lamy, President, Paris Peace Forum & Former Director General, WTO
  • Prof Dr Dewi Fortuna Anwar MA | Research Professor, Research Centre for Politics-National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia
  • Dr Steve Waygood | Chief Responsible Investment Officer, Aviva Investors

It was a special opportunity to hear from some of the world’s most influential voices, as we all grapple with the very substantial and in some cases, existential, challenges facing the world today – notably of peace itself, of a sustainable planet and a prosperous and equitable global economy.

Taking a lead in re-making globalisation

We agreed to use our best endeavours to re-make globalisation in a way that binds humanity more closely together, for a world based upon fair, just and sustainable principles.

The Global Foundation was encouraged to play a more active role in bringing together people of global influence around a renewed spirit of co-operative globalisation.

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