On Wednesday 6 November 2024, the Global Foundation brought together a distinguished group of its supporters for a second Australian National Energy Transition roundtable in Melbourne, Sydney and online.

The discussions underscored the urgency of stepping up Australia’s efforts and highlighted the nation’s capacity to play a pivotal global role, reiterating many of the key messages of the previous Australian national energy transition roundtable, held in Melbourne and online in May 2024.

The roundtable was kindly hosted by Mr Jim Giannopoulos, CEO of Foundation Partner GHD, and featured contributors including The Hon. Matt Kean, Dr Alex Heath, Dr Mark Cutifani CBE, and Ms Sharan Burrow AC.

Key themes include:

  • Cross sector collaboration
  • Place-based, community engagement
  • Australia’s opportunity to be a global leader
  • Adapting strategies as new technologies emerge
  • How the Foundation’s work in Australia runs in tandem with its global project, ‘Shaping Global Governance, Climate and Nature’.

A full report of the meeting is available below.