‘Shaping Global Governance, Climate and Nature’ Project

Call for Expressions of Interest

The Global Foundation is inviting expressions of interest from parties that are committed to effective action to address climate change and the preservation of nature, to join its most significant new project, “Shaping Global Governance, Climate and Nature.” 

Global governance is far weaker than it needs to be, on matters affecting the sustainability of the planet as a whole, matters that require urgent and lasting global co-operation. Official processes to reach agreement and lasting and measurable commitments are either too slow or are stuck. 

Take, for example, the global energy transition to net zero. Limited progress has been made through the annual United Nations COP processes, with considerable polarisation between different interest groups. A new, middle ground is needed, one that has a high ambition and also a realistic pathway, one that involves multiple voices. At the same time, unless the mechanisms of international financial governance are not also substantially renewed, then the necessary large-scale private investments to address climate impacts globally are unlikely to occur.

As Dr Steve Waygood, Chief Responsible Investment Officer for Aviva Investors, one of the leading supporters of the work of the Global Foundation over many years, says: “the lack of sustainability in the markets represent the world’s biggest market failure.”

So it is with the proposal by the Government of Brazil, in conjunction with the World Bank, to raise a global investment fund that will offset the destruction of tropical forests, initially in the Amazon and then globally. These parties have requested the assistance of the Global Foundation in helping to bring to fruition the power of markets to achieve this this worthy and needed outcome.

Experience shows that it is possible to put aside differences and find ways to work together for the global common good, through reputable and well-organised, informal networks that are also able to assist with formal negotiations. It is possible in this manner to contribute to positive and enduring solutions for a world where humanity can live sustainably, with dignity and a shared sense of belonging and commitment.

Who we are

Founded by eminent Australians in 1998, the Global Foundation is a not-for-profit and non-partisan international membership organisation that has become one of the most globally trusted platforms for international dialogue and action at the highest levels.

The Foundation is funded entirely by enlightened private sector supporters, who believe in ‘business with purpose’.  It further distinguishes itself by harnessing coalitions of influence from many sectors of society, crossing over traditional barriers and borders.  As a catalyst, often acting without fanfare, it facilitates progress on complex and seemingly intractable issues affecting the planet.

Over the past 25 years, the Foundation has been able to build a remarkable network, enjoying endorsement from and participation by leaders of the most influential global organisations, including the United Nations, the Vatican, the World Trade Organisation and the World Bank.

On an ongoing basis, the Foundation works in partnership with its key supporters in identifying and driving strategies that will have an enduring impact.  As an integral part of this, from time to time, the Foundation convenes global roundtable discussions that bring together its supporters and figures of global influence, helping to reach common ground. You can read more about us here.

I am pleased to join you for this new edition of the Rome Roundtable of the Global Foundation. Inspired by the Foundation’s motto – “Together we strive for the common good” – you have gathered to discern just ways of attaining a globalisation that is “cooperative”, and thus positive, as opposed to the globalisation of indifference. You seek to ensure that the global community, shaped by institutions, agencies, and representatives of civil society, can effectively achieve international goals and obligations that have been solemnly declared and assumed, such as those of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Global Foundation clearly helps to stir the debate, to propose ideas, to catalyse proposals, and to help in the process of all our debates across global institutions. I know that I can call on [you], my Australian colleagues, when we need new ideas, when we need energy, and when we need a bit of that sun, which helps you see the light, perhaps a little better than most…

What the Foundation can offer its supporters

The Project, in brief

The aim of the project is to help reach agreement on how global governance can be re-imagined to better manage the realities of the 21st Century, with a particular focus on collaborative actions to effectively address climate change and the challenges facing the natural world. 

The Foundation is stepping up with this project and mobilising its unique and expanding coalition of international leaders from business, civil society and global institutions, working with eminent persons and governments. This process necessarily involves participation from all corners of the world and all sectors of society, confronting and acting on the gaps emerging between the ‘global South’ and the ‘global North’, between ‘East’ and ‘West’.

The Foundation has appointed a steering committee to oversee the Project, which enjoys an impressive existing and expanding network of influential affiliates from all sectors of global society, involving eminent persons, business, institutions and civil society, while engaging with governments. All are contributing to the success of the initiative.

Project Leadership

The project is led by a steering committee co-chaired by distinguished global business leader, Dr Mark Cutifani CBE, Chair and Acting CEO, Vale Base Metals, former CEO of Anglo American; and distinguished former global trade union leader, Ms Sharan Burrow AC, Global Advocate of Rights and Sustainability.

Dr Cutifani and Ms Burrow are also Chair and Deputy Chair, respectively, of the Global Foundation’s Global Advisory Council.

Programs of engagement

Over the next three years, 2024-2026, we will engage all who are affiliated with our Project in a continuous program of trusted dialogue and communication with each other and with wider interests, seeking to constantly re-shape global governance for action on climate change and nature.

The Foundation will deploy its renowned convening and partnering power for the preparation for and conduct of these meetings, working with the most reputable partners.

The highest visibility of the Project will manifest through a cumulative series of at least 10 face-to-face roundtable meetings, each to be convened in a major global location, in a roundtable format, with a limited numbers of participants, to facilitate trusted interpersonal exchange.

For 2024, three such in-person roundtable meetings are planned, as follows:

Dr Steve Waygood, Chief Responsible Investment Officer of Aviva Investors, on the lack of sustainability markets.

Beijing, 25, 26 May 2024

The Vatican, 16-18 June, 2024

Brazil, date and location TBD

How you can engage

As an independent not-for-profit organisation, the Global Foundation is sustained solely by private sponsorships, memberships, and philanthropic contributions.

To advance our Project, we are aiming to secure AUD $5 million over the next three years. This budget will cater to the core operational needs of the initiative and finance a series of interconnected programs dedicated to furthering our mission.

Current and prospective Key Partners will automatically be eligible for participation in all programs, with Partners receiving invitations at a discounted rate. Additionally, our holding of the highest tax-deductibility status in Australia provides an incentive for contributions.

If you wish to express your interest in contributing to the Project and for further information about partnership packages, please contact Natalia Cikorska, Chief of Staff, at natalia.cikorska@globalfoundation.org.au.

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Project Steering Committee


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