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Become a member

The Foundation is supported by key partners, partners, and members. Partnership is available to corporations, while membership is available to corporations, universities, and individuals. Other types of organisations may also apply.

The Global Foundation enjoys the highest possible tax deductibility status in Australia due to a special Act of Parliament.

If you would like to join the Global Foundation, or for more information, please contact us via the form to the right.

Benefits of joining the Global Foundation

Commitment to long term solutions

The Foundation has a 25-year history of bringing global figures together to align on some of the biggest challenges facing the world. We focus on issues that affect the global commons and require long-term collaboration. As members or partners of the Foundation, organisations and individuals can contribute directly to this work and make significant global impact.

Opportunities for collaboration

As part of the Foundation’s global network, members and partners have access to expertise and opportunities for collaboration. This is underpinned by our expansive experience in leading global discussions on complex major issues and our rich knowledge in community level interactions. We have a diverse leadership in the form of our Global Advisory Council and have established partnerships with some of the world’s most esteemed leaders.

A soft-power establishment

As part of the Foundation’s global network, members and partners have access to expertise and opportunities for collaboration. This is underpinned by our expansive experience in leading global discussions on complex major issues and our rich knowledge in community level interactions. We have a diverse leadership in the form of our Global Advisory Council and have established partnerships with some of the world’s most esteemed leaders.

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From time to time, the Global Foundation publishes summaries of its global and Australian deliberations on LinkedIn, as well as articles and news coverage on topical issues.


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