
Report of the luncheon with Chile’s Minister for the Economy, José Ramón Valente

Report of the luncheon with Chile’s Minister for the Economy, José Ramón Valente Hosted by the Global Foundation and sponsored by Austrade – – – – – Chile and Australia in the APEC year – towards greater integration with Asia The Foundation hosted a lunch on 27 March in Sydney with Chile’s Minister for the …

Report of the luncheon with Chile’s Minister for the Economy, José Ramón Valente Read More »

A concerted, Australia-wide effort is required to dramatically ‘lift our game’ in Asia

A concerted, Australia-wide effort is required to dramatically ‘lift our game’ in Asia Report of lunch with Shadow Treasurer, Hon Chris Bowen MP Sydney, 6 February 2019 Labor’s principal architect for future Australian engagement with Asia, Shadow Treasurer, Chris Bowen, addressed a cross-section of 60 influential Australians at a lunch hosted for the Global Foundation …

A concerted, Australia-wide effort is required to dramatically ‘lift our game’ in Asia Read More »

Advance Notice: London and Paris Roundtables, June 2019

Advance Notice: London and Paris Roundtables, June 2019 “Encouraging private sector leadership for a new era of ‘co-operative globalisation’” We are building upon our tradition of convening prestigious roundtable meetings of international figures in major locations, to commit to and take action on some of the most important issues facing the world. Our next series …

Advance Notice: London and Paris Roundtables, June 2019 Read More »

Inaugural Paris Peace Forum success

Inaugural Paris Peace Forum success The inaugural Paris Peace Forum was held on 11, 12, 13 November, under the auspices of French President, Emmanuel Macron and featuring many world leaders, along with heads of international institutions, business, think tanks and civil society – including the Global Foundation.

The Global Foundation Annual Meeting, Melbourne, 2 October 2018

The Global Foundation Annual Meeting, Melbourne, 2 October 2018 Some highlights of our past year Our central organising principle, of ‘Co-operative Globalisation’, was further endorsed and adopted at global level, and drives our programs and affiliated program themes. Key Partner, KWM, hosted our 20th Anniversary dinner in Sydney on 24 July, with Hon John Howard …

The Global Foundation Annual Meeting, Melbourne, 2 October 2018 Read More »

The hope of the side

The hope of the side The 40-year old ‘global navigator’, 20 and 100 years on. Those who share our vision of ‘cooperative globalisation’, of an interconnected world with open trade and fairer societies, will surely welcome the visit to Australia in recent days by French President, Emmanuel Macron. It follows on the heels of his …

The hope of the side Read More »

Pacific Islands Roundtable meets in Fiji

Pacific Islands Roundtable meets in Fiji The Agenda, Attendees and Background Papers for the Pacific Islands Roundtable in Fiji on 2 March, 2018\’ may be found here

Co–operative Globalisation and the Reserve Bank Governor of Australia\’

‘Against a shifting global backdrop, issues and implications for the Australian economy in 2018’ Report of dinner and roundtable discussion*, Sydney, 30 January, 2018 *the dinner and roundtable discussion were conducted according to the Chatham House rule Australia’s current economic performance is ‘OK’, however it used to be better than that. How do we turn …

Co–operative Globalisation and the Reserve Bank Governor of Australia\’ Read More »

Pacific Islands Roundtable, Suva, Fiji, 2 March 2018 in support of ‘co-operative globalisation’ and climate change action

Pacific Islands Roundtable, Suva, Fiji, 2 March 2018 in support of ‘co-operative globalisation’ and climate change action Continuing a rolling series of global roundtable discussions, under our banner of ‘co-operative globalisation’, The Global Foundation will convene a Pacific Islands Roundtable discussion to be held in Suva, Fiji, on Friday 2 March, 2018. The Fiji meeting …

Pacific Islands Roundtable, Suva, Fiji, 2 March 2018 in support of ‘co-operative globalisation’ and climate change action Read More »

China’s Bigger Role in Globalization

China’s Bigger Role in Globalization Steve Howard, Secretary General of the Global Foundation, was interviewed by China Today, a monthly, China- based, English-language publication. The interview was published on 4 January 2018. By staff reporter ZHANG HUI I am a global citizen. I represent a world view,” Steve Howard, secretary general of the Australia-based Global …

China’s Bigger Role in Globalization Read More »

‘Earth without borders’ – Pope Francis speaks to the leaders of Pacific Islands Forum

‘Earth without borders’ – Pope Francis speaks to the leaders of Pacific Islands Forum Following on from the Global Foundation’s Rome Roundtable of January 2017, and the Foundation’s announcement that the meeting would take place, Pope Francis met at the Vatican on 11 November 2017 with leaders from the Pacific Islands, who were on their …

‘Earth without borders’ – Pope Francis speaks to the leaders of Pacific Islands Forum Read More »

Steve Howard speaks about China\’s Belt and Road on Australian national radio

Steve Howard was interviewed by Frank Kelly on Australian Broadcasting Corporation Radio National Breakfast on 25 October. Here is the story and link to audio of the interview: \”China\’s vast Belt Road infrastructure blueprint has unexpectedly been included in the nation\’s constitution, dramatically ramping up the status of the trillion-dollar plan. It was one of …

Steve Howard speaks about China\’s Belt and Road on Australian national radio Read More »

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