The Global Foundation Australian Advisory Council Dinner, 13 May, 2021 held at the Commonwealth Club, Canberra.

The Global Foundation’s Australian Advisory Council met on 13 May, 2021, at a dinner in Canberra kindly hosted for the Foundation by Mr Rob Knott, Chairman of Partner firm, GHD

The meeting was chaired by Professor Sir Edward Byrne AC and attended by 25 members, including a small number online.

The Australian Advisory Council provides strategic guidance to the Board and secretariat of the Foundation, as we continue to refresh our own organisational strategy for the coming year and beyond, against the backdrop of the continuing pandemic and a world in considerable flux.

The meeting also took place immediately ahead of the Foundation’s Canberra Roundtable, hosted by the Governor general of Australia and hosted at Government House Yarralumla, on Friday 14 May, 2021.

A prominent agenda item at the Advisory Council meeting was a consideration of national policy affecting Australia’s research commercialisation and the bridges linking universities and industry. A presentation and discussion at the dinner was led by professor Paul Wellings CBE, a member of the Board of the Foundation and Vice Chancellor of the University of Wollongong.

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